
Product description

DSEQ is a dynamic processor working in the frequency domain.DSEQ is removing digital harshness on the fly thanks to self-adjusting frequency bands.

DSEQ can be used in all mix and master situations:

  • de-essing vocals
  • taming resonances in e.g. drum, guitar, vocal recordings
  • removing digital harshness
  • balancing the mix
  • de-masking frequency regions
  • support of pink noise mixing/mastering

DSEQ works fully in the frequency domain, providing very high frequency selectivity thanks to self-adjusting dynamic equalizers. DSEQ does its job with highest transparency even pushed hard. This avoids distortion, phasing and artefacts even with very critical sound material. And DSEQ offers several quality modes taming even singular frequencies.

On top DSEQ provides a very easy to use interface. With just a few parameters (threshold, selectivity and attack/release) a broad range of applications can be covered. Even the initial parameter set could make your mix more transparent. Just pick the threshold parameter and lower it step by step. From there you can start focusing on specific frequency regions by using the pre-filters.

DSEQ comes with AB-LM Lite providing perceptual loudness matching.

DSEQ supports custom threshold which turns DSEQ into a smart multiband compressor.

DSEQ2 introduces the smart AI function and a corresponding GUI page to setup DSEQ automatically depending on the input material.

DSEQ3 introduces gain-reduction spectrograph and free GUI scaling and resizing.

Dynamic control

DSEQ analyses the input or side chain signal in the frequency domain and triggers then the dynamic equalizers depending on the threshold. This is done for each singular frequency that is available during the Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT).

The frequency selectivity determines whether and to what extent neighbouring frequencies are also affected. Attack and Release control how quickly the dynamic equalizers react.

The slope parameter lets you turn the spectrum of the input or side chain signal before going into the dynamic equalizers. With a positive slope value the dynamic equalizers with higher frequencies trigger earlier, with lower frequencies later. Just set the slope value to +3dB if you work witch pink noise mixing/mastering method.

GR strength controls the gain reduction like the ratio in a compressor.

GR max limits the overall gain reduction to a certain value to avoid over compression and artifacts.

Custom threshold

Custom threshold turns DSEQ into a flexible and highly accurate mulitband compressor. Use any audio file or DAW input as custum threshold to align threshold of dynamic EQs to your audio material.

Interactive EQ display

The main EQ/spectrum display which lets you monitor the delta spectrum (input minus output) spectrum and adjust the pre-filter response curve.

Pre-Filter control

DSEQ works normally in the entire frequency range. You can limit the effect to certain frequency regions (e.g. highs for de-essing). Therefore, the signal for the dynamic equalizers can be processed using pre-filters. DSEQ offers various filter types such as cut, peak and shelf filters. The filter sensitivity determines how strongly the signal is recognized by the dynamic equalizers.

Smart A.I.

DSEQ V2 makes it even easier to tame digital harshness thanks to its smart AI function. Set up DSEQ as normal, selected desired AI learn mode, press play to start the DAW and then the learn button. DSEQ calculates the optimal slope and threshold parameter within seconds.


  • smart AI function,
  • smart AI GUI page
  • adaptive slope
  • adaptive threshold
  • smooth linear/natural phase dynamic filter
  • full frequency range processing, 10Hz – 22kHz
  • 7 different quality modes: eco eco, eco, normal, high and ultra, ultra 2/3
  • left/right and mid/side processing
  • global slope for detector signal (e.g. pink noise mixing/mastering)
  • custom threshold curve
  • limit of gain reduction
  • compression control
  • automatic optimal slope parameter calculation
  • automatic optimal threshold parameter calculation
  • 12 independent pre-filter bands, analogue/digital style
  • side-chain support
  • parameter A/B
  • undo/redo
  • multiple signal monitoring modes (pre-filter, delta, side chain)
  • multiple spectrum analyzing modes (stereo, left, right, mid, side)
  • perceptual loudness matching (powered by AB-LM Lite)
  • extended input/output meter, Peak/RMS/EBU/VU
  • narrow-band sweeping mode
  • sample-exact bypass toggle for all processing modes
  • sample rates min. up to 192 kHz
  • "real" over sampling, up to 4x
  • offline render modes
  • gain reduction spectrograph
  • EQ cheat sheets
  • continuous calculation of the spectrum slope
  • precise parameter input
  • easy to use GUI
  • free GUI scaling and resizing
  • many presets including smart AI setups
  • preset management including custom setups
  • full DAW automation support
  • 64-bit internal processing
  • very efficient CPU usage design
  • smart silence processing
  • product needs to be activated with license key
  • free update for DSEQ customers
  • demo version available


  • Version: 3.9.3
  • Last update: 06.10.2024
  • PDF manual: Download
  • Changelog: View

Buy now

€ 79.00
﹡VAT may apply based on your location.

Important notes:

Before downloading and installing please check the system requirements!

Demo version versus Registered version:
In demo mode (without registering) the plugin mutes audio every 90 seconds for a short period. This could be circumvented by clicking on the "TBProAudio" logo within 90 seconds.

After installation product is in demo mode and needs to be activated. Please follow the steps described in the manual or here.

Before any purchase please test the product, read and accept the terms listed here.

More downloads

Portuguese/Brazilian manual: download (Thanks to Joao Aranha)

German manual: download (machine translation)


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