
Product description

gEQ12 is a 12 band stereo/MS graphic equalizer with accurate spectrum analyzer and minimum/linear phase modes.

Today's mixing and mastering processes require a full featured but easy to use equalizer which can accurately shape the tone of a track , bus or master track.

gEQ12 provides all necessary tools including perceptual loudness matching in one package paired with some unique features.

The GUI of gEQ12 is fully resizeable and scalable.

Extended view

The spectrum/filter view can be enlarged and enriched with a spectrogram, a frequency tracker and several EQ cheat sheets.


The spectrogram provides a different visual representation of the audio spectrum compared to classical spectrum curve. X and y axis represent time and frequency of the signal, the different colours the signal strength.



The main meters of gEQ12 show peak/RMS/EBU and VU loudness levels.

Plugin modes

The filter quality can be increased by using oversampling. This ensures "analog" filter magnitude/phase response near Nyquist frequency. On top of it gEQ12 can operate in several minimum or linear phase modes, which can lower CPU usage and makes filter phase response linear. In addition the phase of the outgoing signal can be inverted. 

Filter parameter

gEQ12 consists of 12 stereo filter in series. Each filter can be configured individually by setting type, stereo placement (all, left, right, mid and side), slope, frequency, gain and q-factor.

gEQ12 offers 16 filter types, analogue/digital design, zero delay IIR. Additionally gEQ12 provides a flat tilt filter (zero delay).

Perceptual Loudness Matching (AB-LM Lite)

AB-LM Lite is a perceptual A/B loudness matching algorithm to help you avoid the pitfall of 'louder is better', so you can evaluate the impact of the plugin on your incoming and outgoing audio signal at equal loudness.

When you engage AB-LM Lite, the algorithm analyzes the incoming signal and compares it to the outgoing signal via its RMS values and applies an automatic gain adjustment so you can focus on the plugin settings and what they are actually doing to your audio, without being distracted by loudness differences.

For the more advanced features please refer to ABLM.

FIR vs IIR filter


Introduction to Filters: FIR versus IIR


  • 12 independent filter bands, extended frequency range 10Hz - 48kHz
  • 16 filter types, analogue/digital design, zero delay IIR
  • filter slope from 6 to 96dB
  • filter solo
  • independent stereo/left/right/mid/side processing per band
  • 7 processing modes: zero latency, minimum/linear phase
  • sample rates min. up to 192 kHz
  • "real" over sampling, up to 4x
  • hi-res spectrum analyzer with 32k FFT
  • pre/post-EQ spectrum, max/average/live spectrum, stereo/left/right/mid/side
  • post filter predictive spectrum
  • smoothed, ISO R40 smoothed and raw data spectrum
  • reference spectrum, delta reference spectrum
  • Load wave/aiff files as reference
  • EQ cheat sheets
  • spectrogram
  • frequency tracker
  • extended input/output meter, Peak/RMS/EBU/VU
  • perceptual loudness matching (powered by AB-LM Lite)
  • narrow-band sweeping mode
  • spectrum freeze mode
  • sample exact A/B toggle for all processing modes
  • precise parameter input
  • undo/redo
  • large and easy to use GUI
  • free GUI scaling and resizing
  • interactive EQ display
  • preset management
  • full DAW automation support, smooth filter frequency change
  • 64-bit internal processing
  • product needs to be activated with license key
  • free update for gEQ12 customers
  • demo version available


  • Version: 4.4.10
  • Last update: 07.10.2024
  • PDF manual: Download
  • Changelog: View

Buy now

€ 79.00
﹡VAT may apply based on your location.

Important notes:

Before downloading and installing please check the system requirements!

Demo version versus Registered version:
In demo mode (without registering) the plugin mutes audio every 90 seconds for a short period. This could be circumvented by clicking on the "TBProAudio" logo within 90 seconds.

After installation product is in demo mode and needs to be activated. Please follow the steps described in the manual or here.

Before any purchase please test the product, read and accept the terms listed here.


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