
Product description

Impress is a wideband stereo compressor including side-chaining, 
various prefilter options and state-of-the-art over sampling.

The goal of the design was to cover a broad range of compression applications in today's mixing and mastering situations with strong focus on low aliasing. So, Impress could be used to shape subtle a snare sound, glue different tracks on instrument bus and even do complex tasks like deessing or voice over's.

Flexible design

Impress includes an enhanced compressor, multiband filter for main signal, filter for detector signal and flexible signal monitoring.

Total control

Impress lets you control all aspects of the compressing process.


Total insight

Impress gives detailed visual feedback, how your signal is processed!


  • zero latency click-free 64-bit internal processing
  • low aliasing compressor design
  • "real" oversampling, up to 8x
  • stereo/left/right/mid/side processing
  • external side-chain
  • main signal multiband filter, up to 192 dB/Oct (Linkwitz-Riley design)
  • detector signal prefilter, up to 192 dB/Oct
  • 2 compressor modes: classic and clean (low aliasing)
  • 3 gain stage modes: modern, vintage and vintage clean (including thermal noise emulation)
  • 3 level detection modes: peak, RMS and RMS incl. BS1770 filter
  • short/long attack/release times
  • low aliasing soft knee
  • lookahead
  • limit gain reduction
  • dry/wet
  • flexible signal monitoring
  • easy to use GUI
  • large and accurate live meters
  • gain transfer graph
  • time response graph
  • free GUI scaling
  • product needs to be activated with license key
  • free update for Impress customers
  • demo version available


  • Version: 2.1.0
  • Last update: 31.05.2024
  • PDF manual: Download
  • Changelog: View

Buy now

€ 59.00
﹡VAT may apply based on your location.

Important notes:

Before downloading and installing please check the system requirements!

Demo version versus Registered version:
In demo mode (without registering) the plugin mutes audio every 90 seconds for a short period. This could be circumvented by clicking on the "TBProAudio" logo within 90 seconds.

After installation product is in demo mode and needs to be activated. Please follow the steps described in the manual or here.

Before any purchase please test the product, read and accept the terms listed here.


Customer feedback

I think a lot of people might be tempted to pass this up. Who needs another "normal" compressor, right? But this is actually a very good and very flexible comp.

The company emphasizes low aliasing in the promo literature, and I think that may explain why this plug-in has so much clarity in the 4x and 8x oversampled modes. To me that's really what sets this comp apart. It reminds me of the HOFA IQ comp set at high sample rates, but actually sounds more pleasant and "real" when I A/B similar settings. I find myself getting that "aahhhhh" feeling a lot when I use this and thinking of course this is how the track should sound. My sense is that in the 8x oversampled mode it's at or above the quality of Presswerk and the Slate VMR comps.

The behavior of the actual compression is uniquely pleasant, especially on vocals. It has different modes (classic, modern, vintage, etc) like many other compressors out there, and they seem effective in helping to make a track "sit" right. CPU usage is reasonable on a modern computer, perhaps 1-2% per instance in 8x oversampling on the fastest current iMac.

By the way, I had an initial issue with latency not being reported to Studio One in the 8x oversampled mode. The company responded with an update that fixed the issue within a day! So that speaks well for their professionalism and general business approach.

-- MarsBot, Gearslutz