Product description

Impress3 supports you in mastering the extensive tasks in the field of compression in modern music productions. Impress3 is therefore more than just a compressor. It supports all loudness adjustment tasks, from compression and loudness matching to limiting and clipping.
Compressor design
The compressor consists of various modules including detector, transfer curve, danymic EQ and gain staging.
Measurement methods such as peak, RMS and EBU R128 ML/SL are supported.
There is also a filter bank with four EQs.
- Top area with parameter A/B, presets, theme selector
- Main controls like threshold/compression, ratio, attack and release
- Advanced controls like transfer curve, look-ahead, over-sampling, detector, loudness matching, limiter, clipper and ABLM
- Level display with xfer and loudness distribution display
- Meter display
- Spectrum analyzer inlcuding EQ response curve
- GUI size/scale handle
- Mesaurement info box
Main controls
The main control area provides access to the main compressor controls like threshold/compression, ratio, attack and release.
Advanced controls
The advanced control area gives access to further controls like controls of Xfer input/output, look-ahead, over-sampling, detector, dynamic EQ, saturation, loudness matching, limiter, clipper and ABLM.
The level display shows the history of the input, output and gain reduction levels. It makes it easy to follow the processing on the input signal.
The three meters (light gray) display the current peak input (left), output (right) and gain reduction levels (middle), each in stereo, left/right channel.
The spectrum analyzer shows the spectrum of the compressor detector signal (pre and post filter) and the filter response curve.
The Xfer display shows the compressor transfer curve (detector signal), input level (horizontal) against output (vertical).
The loudness distribution display shows how the input, output and gain reduction values are distributed over selected time range.
- zero latency click-free 64-bit internal processing
- low aliasing compressor design
- "real" over-sampling, up to 8x
- stereo/left/right/mid/side processing
- 5 compressor modes: classic, source/target, vari, advanced and feedback
- non-linear and linear attack/release time shapes
- dynamic equalizer
- gain reduction dependent saturation
- 4 level detection modes: peak, RMS, EBU ML and EBU SL
- external side-chain
- detector pre-filter
- flexible look ahead
- low aliasing soft knee
- gain reduction limit
- dry/wet
- peak/RMS/EBU R128 measurement
- detector/delta listen mode
- target loudness matching based on EBU R128
- look-ahead limiter (Peak or True Peak)
- clipper
- perceptual A/B loudness matching (ABLM)
- preset management
- parameter A/B
- large and accurate live meters
- peak control view
- gain transfer view
- loudness distribution view
- detector spectrum view
- free GUI size and scale
- different GUI layouts
- various GUI themes
Important notes:
Before downloading and installing please check the system requirements!
Demo version versus Registered version:
In demo mode (without registering) the plugin mutes audio every 90 seconds for a short period. This could be circumvented by clicking on the "TBProAudio" logo within 90 seconds.
After installation product is in demo mode and needs to be activated. Please follow the steps described in the manual or here.
Before any purchase please test the product, read and accept the terms listed here.
More downloads
German manual (machine translation): download
French manual (machine translation): download
Spanish manual (machine translation): download
Customer feedback
Fantastic! You've really covered all the bases with this release.
FIVE compressor modes covering any kind of material, SUPER flexible, and that source/target mode will be very helpful to me.
Love the new loudness features, momentary and short-term modes, this opens up new workflows, thank you!
This will do everything from track to bus to mastering, post workflows, dialog workflows, broadcast workflows, loudness workflows...